Sunday, March 25

Of Nitwits, Lackwits and the In-betweens

Through the past month, I have realised that there are three types of men:
a) Nitwits
b) Lackwits
c) In-betweens
The Nitwits are the idiots who think that they can behave like ninnies and sissies, they have no brains and do not realise that a major portion of their anatomy is missing!
The Lackwits have no sense of humour, look askance at people who know how to laugh and do not realise that they are missing a chunk of their soul
The in-betweens are those who have a bit of humour and brains and unfortunately do not know how to use either one!!!


Vijay Richard said...


Lifes a joy said...

Well, what can I do?
Thats the three types that I have met