Monday, March 26

The Art of Drinking and Indian Males

Dinner with a colleague who got married recently tonight opened my eyes to one fascinating aspect of the Indian male - they drink at a speed which is incomprehensible.
I have always believed in having a drink, making conversation,sipping and enjoying the different concotions that a bartender can serve up, unfortunately, the tendency of the males seems to be in guzzling down one drink after another, with no attention to what is being thrown back like that
I have had drinks with a total of about 300 guys (including dinner parties etc), and have never seen more than 2% of them actually paying attention to their drink, in short, drinking as an art form is not recognised here
Drinking is meant to get drunk, not an activity to enjoy or use as a means to catch up with friends anymore
Its really a pity when you think of that....
On the other hand, the friends of mine who are non-Indian seem to have got this concept and actually enjoy drinking, can the difference be that drinking is still taboo in India and so, when allowed to drink, there is excessive compulsive drinking rather than the enjoyable aperitif it should be treated as...
And at the rates the drinks are sold at here, you would have thought people would try to make the most of them!!!

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