Monday, April 9


No time to think, no time to grieve for lost friends
No time to remember, no time to ponder
Memories assail me, tantalizing me with forgotten laughter
Shadows creep in now, and the hue of twilight seems far away
Framed in an artist’s canvas,
Words that once were familiar, now refuse to form coherent sentences
Or perhaps its my feelings that are smothered
Verses and lines that once were a part of my soul
Have locked themselves away, disdaining me
As I once turned from them in contempt,
And now all that remains,
Is a silent voice in my head,
That reminds me of the times when I lived,
When I smiled at the sunrise and gloried in the breeze,
When the feel of grass underneath my feet
Was enough to make me feel special
There is drudgery now,
Of my own making,
Choices made, leading me down paths
That have lost me my true world,
I look around, and alas
I am a stranger now
In this world of my creation,
And only a distant memory in the other world where I once belonged!

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